Daily News and Other Digital Sources

Traditionally, people start the day by flipping on the morning cable news as they dress and prepare to go out of the house. These days, though, many people prefer to get their news from a wide variety of digital sources. Whether in e-newsletter or mobile app form, there are lots of options to choose from for those looking to start their day well informed.

Many daily newspapers have local news coverage that focuses on such things as car accidents, house fires, school and city council meetings, and police blotters. Additionally, they may include articles about government activities in their geographic-coverage area, such as legislative proposals and federal investigations.

Most daily newspapers have a business section, which often includes a number of business-related advertisements. Generally, these are placed by local businesses. The business section can also feature a few opinion pieces on controversial topics or on political events, and it might also have an arts and entertainment section.

The front page of a daily newspaper is the most important part of the paper, and it usually contains the main stories that are relevant to readers. Often, the front page is illustrated with a picture or illustration. Depending on the newspaper, it might be accompanied by headlines and a small summary of the story.

Many smaller weekly newspapers are paginated (or laid out) by computer using software such as Adobe PageMaker or Adobe InDesign. Layout includes arranging photographs, cut lines (or captions that identify the contents of the photos), text and headlines. Finished pages can be printed on dummy sheets, burned to a CD-ROM or Zip disk, sent via e-mail to an off-site printing plant, or uploaded to an online publication server for viewing.

In addition to selling ads, the major revenue source for most weekly newspapers is classified advertising. Most of the ads in these publications are from local businesses, and they are typically sold by an advertising sales representative. A few larger companies from outside the coverage area also advertise in weekly newspapers.

In its heyday, the New York Daily News was one of the largest and most influential tabloids in the United States. It became known for its sensational news, including coverage of crime and scandal, lurid photographs, and cartoons and entertainment features. It was the first tabloid to reach million-copy circulation and is credited with revolutionizing newspaper publishing by being successful at attracting reader interest through a different format from the competing broadsheets of its day. In 2017, the Daily News was sold to Tronc, a media company owned by cost-slashing hedge fund Alden Global Capital. The newspaper has since enacted buyouts, cuts and outsourced its printing operation. Its editorial staff has protested the change, and in 2020 it went on strike. During the protest, actor Alec Baldwin showed solidarity with its employees. The Daily News resumed publication in 2021. The Yale Daily News, published each weekday while the University is in session, is the oldest college daily newspaper in the United States. Former Yale Daily News editors, writers, and contributors have gone on to achieve prominent careers in journalism and public service.