What is Law New?
Law new is a term used to describe different ways of practicing law that can offer more value to clients. The concept includes using technology to streamline processes, embracing nontraditional fee structures and offering more flexibility in how attorneys work with their clients. It can also mean working on cases that are more complex and challenging than those a firm might typically focus on, such as class action or complex litigation.
The Center for New York City and State Law makes City and State government more transparent, understandable, and effective through a broad array of programs and publications. The Center achieves its mission through news and explainer articles; research and analysis; a wide variety of public events featuring expert guests; in-depth podcast conversations; and other methods.
A bill is a proposal for a new law or a change to an existing law. A bill can be introduced by a member of Congress, or it can be recommended by a constituent or a citizen group. Once a bill is introduced, it goes through a process called legislative vetting, during which it is reviewed by the members of Congress who are considering it.
If a bill passes both houses of Congress, it becomes a law, or statute. If a Governor opposes a bill, it can be rejected by using the veto power, in which case the law does not become a law. However, if the Governor does not sign or veto a bill within 10 days of it being passed by both houses, then it becomes law automatically. If the Governor vetoes a bill, the legislature may override it by passing another bill with the same language within that same 10-day period.
SS 201. Access to personal information on state agency websites.
This bill would require a state agency to make available to any person who has submitted personal information to the agency through a website, the option to review and amend that information. It would also require the agency to notify the individual who provided the information if any third party received or obtained that information.
SS 205. Requirements for the collection and disclosure of data breach notices.