California Laws – What is Law New?

law new

Law is a field that evolves constantly. What worked one year may not be as effective the next, so lawyers must continually adapt to meet new needs. A common way that legal firms do this is by focusing on what’s known as “law new.” This concept, which can be hard to define, involves creating strategies for delivering legal services in innovative ways. It may involve working with underserved communities, using new technologies or delivering legal services in nontraditional settings.

In California, new laws went into effect July 1, including recognition of Juneteenth as an official state holiday, the Firearm Industry Responsibility Act, a requirement that contractors have worker’s compensation and changes to how criminal records are handled. Other new laws include a ban on the sale of force-fed products, new rules for open captioning in motion picture theaters and automated employment decision tools.

To become a law, a proposed policy must be introduced by a representative or senator to either chamber of Congress. It must then be assigned to a committee for research and discussion, and eventually to the full chamber for a vote. If a bill passes in both houses of Congress, it is sent to the President for approval. If the President approves the bill, it becomes a federal law.

This page summarizes laws that have been enacted, vetoed or did not pass into law during a given legislative session. You can also search all laws by a specific year or view the laws that passed during special sessions. To do so, click on the year you want to see in the table at the top of the page. You can also switch the years you’re looking at on the left side of the page. Then click on the individual laws for details. If you have trouble accessing any of the links, please contact our help desk. We’re happy to help! You can also find more information about the legislature and its processes on our How Laws Are Made page.