Recognising the Signs of Gambling Addiction
Gambling is a risky activity that involves betting money or material valuables on an uncertain outcome, such as the roll of a dice, the spin of a wheel or the result of a horse race. While gambling can provide enjoyment and excitement, it can also lead to financial loss and psychological distress. It is therefore important to recognise the signs of gambling addiction in order to seek help if you suspect that someone you know is suffering from this condition.
While gambling may be seen as a harmless pastime in some communities, it can have serious consequences for people who have trouble controlling their impulses and are predisposed to addictive behaviours. Many people also find it difficult to admit that they have a problem and may hide their spending or lie about how much they gamble from friends and family. In addition, some people become obsessed with gambling and are unable to stop despite heavy losses. This can lead to social isolation and severe debt, which is why it’s vital that you understand the signs of gambling addiction and the risks associated with this activity.
When someone gambles, their brain releases dopamine, a feel-good neurotransmitter that makes them feel excited and happy. However, the chances of winning are actually much lower than they believe. This is because people are more sensitive to losses than gains of the same value, so when they lose PS10 it generates a much stronger emotional reaction than when they win PS10. As a result, people keep gambling in an attempt to make up for their lost money and continue to experience a rewarding dopamine response, despite knowing that their odds of winning are slim.
People who are prone to gambling addiction develop a number of cognitive and motivational biases that distort their perception of the odds of events, including an overestimation of probability based on their past experiences (e.g. seeing stories in the media about people winning the lottery or watching others around them win at casinos), boredom susceptibility, impulsivity, an unrealistic understanding of random events and escape coping. These factors combine to keep the individual stuck in a cycle of gambling, chasing their losses and experiencing withdrawal and depression until they reach the point of tolerance and no longer get the desired dopamine-generated euphoria.
The best way to prevent gambling problems is to set a budget for how much you are willing to spend on this form of entertainment and stick to it. It is also a good idea to leave your credit and debit cards at home when you go out gambling, as it is easy to spend more than you intended. In addition, try to avoid gambling when you’re feeling depressed or upset, as it will be even harder to control your urges and stay safe. Finally, be sure to balance gambling with other activities and never use money that you need for basic needs like food or shelter to gamble.