What Is New Law?
New law is a legal approach that is focused on client impact and delivers services outside the traditional practice model. It combines established business processes with technology and multidisciplinary (non-lawyer) expertise to create unique offerings that deliver value. It is different from “legal tech,” which is a technology-driven end unto itself, and from “legal ops” or “ALSP’s,” which focus on internal efficiency. The goal of law new is to produce change that is beneficial for legal consumers and society-at-large.
Legal buyers will shape law new by challenging legacy paradigms and embracing new delivery models that are driven by customer/end-user need. The focus will be on customer impact that produces high net promoter scores and a high return on investment, not on self-congratulatory awards or profit preservation. New law will be characterized by collaboration — across teams and functions, enterprises, stakeholder groups, and the community at large. This will include collaboration among legal professionals on the business of law side and across all professional and industry sectors; it will also involve collaboration with clients, erasing artificial, lawyer-created distinctions between provider sources and facilitating cross-enterprise legal supply chain synergies that drive significant value, reduce cost/risk, and facilitate new business opportunities.
A number of companies, including some in the tech sector, have coined the phrase “law new” to describe their approach to providing legal services. Their focus is on delivering legal services through innovative solutions that are designed to be more collaborative, accessible, affordable, efficient, data-backed, and solution-focused.
Creating a new law
To create a new law, a bill is introduced in either the House of Representatives or the Senate. The bill is then assigned to a committee whose members research, discuss, make changes, and vote on the bill. If the bill passes both houses of Congress, the Governor signs it to become a law. If the Governor vetoes it, the bill is returned to the house that passed it with a statement explaining why the Governor vetoed the bill.
This law would require the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection to prepare a notice for employees and job applicants regarding federal and local student loan forgiveness programs. It would also add penalties to the rules that govern the Department and the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings concerning injurious conduct by licensees towards Department employees, open captioning in motion picture theaters, and automated employment decision tools.
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